
What is Shiftpixy?

What is Shiftpixy? Shiftpixy is a brand new innovative scheduling and recruiting platform, which was designed to simplify the process of scheduling employees’ shifts. To discover a few of the myriad of benefits which business owners can enjoy as a result of investing in the Shiftypixy platform, simply continue reading. What is Shiftpixy and what

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How Marc Leder built a successful business

Whether you’re interested in emulating Marc Leder’s unprecedented success as an entrepreneur or you’re interested in doing business with one of Leder’s high performing businesses, simply continue reading to discover how Marc Leder built a successful business, from the ground up. How Marc Leder built a successful business that achieved a high level of success: Leder

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Richard Blech: Why Your Business Needs Digital Security Solutions

  In today’s fast-paced, digital age, chances are high that your business will boast a wide array of databases, programs, and systems. If so, it’s of the utmost importance that you invest a decent sum of money into implementing innovative digital security solutions, which will protect your business’ valuable information from being hacked and falling

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Kami Hoss

Dental health is often overlooked but it’s more important than we realize. Good oral health care such as daily brushing and flossing can keep bacteria at bay, preventing issues such as tooth decay, oral infections and gum disease. And it doesn’t end there. Science continues to find links between oral and general health. Kami Hoss believes

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What you can learn from Jeff Lucient’s success as a businessman

Source If you’re interested in learning how to succeed as a businessman or woman, simply continue reading to discover how you can emulate the success of Jeff Lucient MN. Who is the CEO and president of the Lucient Automotive Group. What you can learn from Jeff Lucient’s success as a businessman: It’s well worth investing

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Ryan Jacob CAE

Ryan Jacob CAE is a college student at the University of California pursuing a Chemical Engineering Degree with a focus on Clean Air Engineering. In addition to being a student he is also a lover of sports such as the NFL and the NBA. Ryan’s favorite teams are the San Francisco Giants, Golden State Warriors and

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