
More Visits to the Library Is Good for You

Many believe libraries are obsolete in today’s digital world. Studies by the online masters in library science department of the University of Southern California, however, reveal otherwise. In 2010, close to 300 million Americans were still visiting libraries and using the available services. We now have over 17,000 public libraries across the country and 67.4% of

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The Most Commonly Performed Procedures in Neurosurgery

Source Neurosurgeons like Joseph Yazdi are highly trained individuals who complete surgical procedures on the human brain. Neurosurgeons are some of the most trained individuals in the field of medicine. This is because they do not only have to study medicine and specialize in neurosurgery, they also have to complete a six year residency. While neurosurgeons

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Volunteering Brings Benefits Both Ways

Source Something that many successful business people like Haris Ahmed Chicago tend to have in common is a commitment to volunteerism.  Not content to earn money in a community, they are driven by a desire to give back by supporting non-profit organizations or through community service.  They understand that serving their communities creates benefits that go

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Community College Becoming the Education of Choice

There was a time when community colleges were utilitarian. There was something second class about them in the public eye. Community Colleges trained and graduated people in practical majors like cosmetology and plumbing trades. They evolved from technical and vocational school traditions into a major growth phase in the 1970s and after. What the community

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Take Flying Lessons

Making Your Dreams a Reality So many people have dreamed of having a flying lesson in a plane or helicopter ever since they were youngsters. The exhilarating feeling and the freedom of flying high above the clouds looking down at the wonders below opens up a fascinating new world, and it can easily be turned

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