Allen R Hartman: How to build a real estate proposition list in Houston

Allen R Hartman is one person who knows all about the Houston real estate market. He’s someone that is regularly interviewed about the state of the market, and how it compares to the general economy.

This in itself means that he has a wealth of contacts when the time comes to sell one of his own properties in the area. However, for everyone else, making that first sale can be a little difficult. Months can pass by and it can become harder and harder to keep the faith.

This is the reason behind today’s post. We have quizzed Hartman about what the new investor should do in a bid to make a quick sale. We’ll now take a look at some of the best suggestions to build a proposition list and ultimately flip your property in Houston in record speeds.

Networking is crucial

Let’s start with one of the most obvious tips, and one that links very closely to what we discussed in the introduction to this article. One of the reasons why Hartman has carved out such a successful career in the area is because he has met so many different people. Networking is crucial and the larger your network, the more chance you have to make those quick, elusive sales.

So, how do you market? Try and grab a coffee with some of the establish real estate agents in the state, just to keep a relationship and stay in their mind if any opportunities for both of you do pop up. Also, don’t underestimate local events. There are countless ones in Houston and while some might be a waste of time, others will be invaluable and introduce you to so many different people in the industry.

Look for cash sales

Some investors look through photo after photo of nearby properties in a bid to find their next gem. While this approach can work well, we’re going to suggest delving a little deeper into the property listings. Pull up a list of past sales and find out which ones have sold for cash.

Cash sales usually appeal to investors. In other words, if they have been bought for cash, the same person is probably going to be in the market to buy more. Reach out for them and find out whether this is the case, and whether your property provides them with such an opportunity.

Build your own list

While this next step might not provide instant sales, in the long-term it can be hugely valuable. Building your own sales list is a long task but ultimately, it can mean that your property goes within minutes, rather than months.

The rise of online marketing means that this can be done much more easily nowadays as well. Whether it’s by setting up a Facebook page, or a standalone website, it is easy to capture email addresses. You can send a mass email out every time you have a property to sell, and the response you receive can often be overwhelming.