Get Personal: 5 Ways To Say Thank You From The Heart

Do you want to make your “thank you’s” more meaningful? Here are 5 DIY ways to say thank you from the heart.

Saying thank you can be one of the hardest things to do. “What will this person appreciate most? What gift could I give that could possibly show them my appreciation?” We understand, we’ve been there too.

We want to help you find the best way to thank the people around you. That’s why we’ve put together this list of five ways to say thank you from the heart.

Write A Note

Writing out something by hand is now a deeply personal practice. If you give someone something that you personally wrote out, they will know that it was very meaningful for you to do so. That’s why the tried-and-true thank you note is still one of the best ways to say thank you.

You could purchase a card and write in it, but we recommend that you make your own card to add that extra personal touch to your note. Handmade gifts are often the most meaningful.

Social Media Shout-Out

If you don’t want to go the old-school route, you can always use social media to show your appreciation.

Why only share your thanks with one person when you can tell the whole world how much you are thankful for them? Thanks to tools such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you can post a meaningful shout-out to the person you want to thank.

The great thing about this approach is that it shows the person that you care enough to tell the whole world how much they mean to you.

Give A Unique Gift

Personalized gifts are one of our favorite ways to say thank you. These gifts give you the opportunity to give someone something truly special.

Thinking out of the box and putting together something uniquely suited to that individual is one of the best things you can do for another person. It will show them that you cared enough to put something together yourself, and also that you know them well enough to craft something personal.

Think about how receiving personalized gifts make you feel and strive to make your recipient feel the same way.

Throw A Party

Another great way to show your appreciation for someone to lots of people is to gather them all together and throw a party!

This is another way to say thank you that shows the person that you care enough to put a lot of effort into showing it. You can invite some of their closest friends over for a get-together and just celebrate the person you want to thank.

It doesn’t even have to be on their birthday!

Reminisce Old Times

Of course, one of the reasons you are so thankful for this person is your shared history together. Whether it’s a long history or not, taking the time to reflect on the good times of the past is one of the most meaningful ways to say thank you.

You can put together a scrapbook or revisit your favorite place to eat together. Only you can know the best way to show this person how much they mean to you.

Tell Us Your Favorite Ways To Say Thank You!

We would love to hear how you love to say thank you to others and also how you like to be thanked!

Contact us and let us know your story.