How to Stand Out from Other Beauty Vloggers

Beauty vlogging is growing more popular every day. As social platforms and brands continue to reward vloggers with ad revenue and endorsement, many people see it as a valuable income stream.

Brands use the opportunity presented by influential vloggers to connect with several hundred thousand millennials. The number of beauty vloggers that pop up shouldn’t discourage you from starting your own beauty vlog. The key is to create a niche and unique set of subscribers.

Here are some tips to help you stand out and succeed.

  1. Make you content original

There are so many videos out there, and the truth is most copycat vloggers are repeating the same content produced by more popular ones. You want your channel to be the resource for specific content, so identify a gap in the industry and make it your niche. Instead of facial makeup, consider focusing on something less popular like hair or nail art. Even face art (cosplay and Halloween) if you are that good.

Original content makes your channel a go-to place for information. It also cuts through the internet noise and makes you an authority in your field. Don’t underestimate its power.

  1. Produce high quality videos

In the crowded space that is the internet, the majority of content being churned out are sub-par quality. Give your videos a competitive edge over others making them stand out in quality. Make your videos HD quality; crisp clear pictures, audible sound, suitable lighting and so on.

High quality content increases your credibility and authority status because people associate the effort with originality. Companies are also willing to work with quality video vloggers as they resonate better with their brand values. Invest in a good camera, adequate room lighting and an external microphone. Perfect your video editing skills too!

  1. Create your unique style

Marketers call it branding. Identify something fresh and incorporate it into your presentation. You could choose to play a particular brand of music in the background, or set up a unique theme for each video. The idea is to be different.

Before you create your style, know your audience. Your viewers’ preferences and online behaviour will guide your choice of style. Remember, your vlog is about them, and every addition or innovation should be developed with them in mind. You can develop it over time as your brand evolves.

  1. Give freebies!

This may sound like cheating, but who cares? We all love freebies. Set up a day – it could be the last Friday of every month- for gift giving. Reward the most consistent commenters with something related to your vlog. If you specialise in hair styling, you could give out min-packages of natural rinses or hair straighteners.

If you are a vlogger who already gets sponsorship from a brand, the products can form some of your gifts. Benchmark other vloggers too, see what they are doing and learn from them. Then incorporate your own style to make it unique and better. Freebies add value to your interaction and subscribers appreciate the gesture.