Three ways to save money this week

With the festive season around the corner, you want to be saving some money during the month of November so that you have some extra cash come December time and indulge during the festive season. If you think it’s too late to start saving a little, you’re wrong! There are always ways you can change your lifestyle and spending behavior in order to keep a little more cash in your pocket, all while still having fun and maintaining the type of lifestyle you are used to. Sometimes you just have to make small changes; here are three ways you can save money this week.

Try online casino games

If you love to go to your local casino on a weekly basis, this might be an area where you can save yourself some money. I am not suggesting that you forgo playing the casino games you love. Switching out your visits to your nearest land-based casino, for playing casino games online can save you a lot of money. Test your skill with video poker at Royal Vegas; an online casino that gives you a new player welcome bonus of $1200. This helps you save some money, but you save even further as you are playing from home and do not incur other ancillary costs such as food, beverages, gratuity, and transportation costs. This is a great compromise as you still get to have fun, but are doing it in a way that reduces the amount of money you are spending.

Swop meat for veggies

This money saving hack may upset the meat lovers out there, but it is one way to cut back on your grocery bill. Meat is not only expensive, but eating a diet with more plant-based foods in it is incredibly healthy for you. You do not need to go full vegetarian for this tip to help you save money. Just by substituting veggies for meat a couple of times a week, you can save yourself a lot of money. Many people are reticent to prepare less meat-centric meals, but you will be surprised how many great, hearty recipes there are for vegetarian dishes on the internet. With a bit of creativity, you can easily save a hunk of money in a month just by buying less meat at the supermarket.

Leave the credit card at home

Ever heard the phrase, ‘you can’t spend what you don’t have’ ? Nowadays we often find ourselves sucked into the world of excessive consumerism and buy things we may not really need on credit. Banishing your credit card to a sock drawer for a few weeks at a time can really make you reassess your purchases. Without the option to pay for items on your credit card, you begin to feel more in touch with how much money you actually have in your bank account, and as a result, you will see that you will begin to spend more conservatively. This will help you spend within your means and leaves you able to spend more during the festive season.