Tips on Getting The True Cultural Experience From Your Trip to Sweden

When traveling to a new destination it is always a delight to indulge in some truly cultural experiences and today we are going to take a look at how you can do just that on Swedish shores. This is a country which has brought the world GPS, Skype, the computer mouse, the seatbelt and even the adjustable wrench, but to really discover what Sweden does best, we have to take a trip to the Scandinavian nation itself, and here are some great cultural experiences to have when you are there.

Ice Hotel Stay

Sweden has a wide variety of climates and given its proximity to the Arctic Circle there should be no surprise that in some areas, it can get incredibly cold. What better way to embrace this temperature drop than to stay in an ice hotel in Jukkasjärvi, situated just 200km from the Arctic Circle?

Get Your Snus On

Swedish snus is a core part of the culture here, a smokeless tobacco which is placed under the lip and left as it slowly releases its flavor. Many speak about the health benefits of this product and throughout the country you will find people indulging in the use of snus. Being such a sigificant part of Swedish culture, you can easily find snus in supermarkets and local convenience stores You can visit places like the Swedish Match Store which is an exhibition store which has a plethora of different types of snus, where you can also mix your own snus to try while lounging in their on site cafe.

Sauna Time

Throughout Scandinavia and predominately in Sweden, saunas are widely used for their health benefits and very often simply to warm up in a cold climate. There are certain etiquette rules to remember if you take a sauna in Sweden, for example nudity is very much the norm in most saunas, so if you are prudish then maybe sit this one out.

Skansen Visit

Skansen is one of, if not the, oldest open-air museums in the world and it will offer you the chance to step back in time to a Sweden of the past. This replica 19th Century village can be found on the outskirts of Stockholm and even features a zoo and an aquarium to complete a perfect day out.

Try Kanelbulle

Swedish cuisine is delicious and you should certainly indulge as much as possible, if you try nothing else however, it will be essential that you sample Kanelbulle, a small spicy cinnamon bun which is often considered as the national dish. These are more than a simple cinnamon bun however, they are made using unleavened dough and often pack in flavors such as vanilla, saffron and cardamon. The Swedish have something called Fika, the practice of relaxing with a coffee and something sweet, and this is the ideal snack for that practice.

Which experience tickles your fancy the most?