Burned out? Time for Some Self-Care!

Life is busy, and it can be easy to get caught up in what feels like a never-ending cycle of work, commitments, and obligations, followed by more of the same. However, it is crucial that you schedule time for relaxation and pleasure to avoid burnout. Symptoms of burnout are varied, but include:

  • Physical and emotional exhaustion
  • Increased pessimism
  • Feeling ineffectual
  • Insomnia
  • Forgetfulness

In the ideal world, you would be able to have a month-long vacation away from it all, but the reality is that you have too many responsibilities and besides, finances just won’t stretch to such luxury. So, what can you do? Here are four tips to help you unwind, restore and rejuvenate.

1. Learn to say no

Do you find yourself agreeing to things that you don’t really want to commit to? Saying no to invitations does not often feel like the right thing to do, and it takes practice, but once you’ve done it a couple of times, you’ll realize that there is no lasting damage. Yes, your friends may be disappointed you can’t join them at a bar, but they won’t hold on to it. Learn to say no, and only do the things that you really want to do. Not only will this mean that you enjoy 100% of things that you do in your leisure time, but you’ll free up time for self-care.

2. Mini-break

Ok, so it’s not a month-long vacation on a desert island, but a mini-break is a less expensive alternative that can give you a well-deserved and affordable break from the everyday. Get online and check out places that you can visit for a long weekend; sites such as escapewithpro.com are filled with inspiring hints and tips for having a great time in your chosen destination. Taking just a short break can do you a world of good; take in art galleries, museums, or just have a leisurely brunch.

3. Get into Nature

It sounds such a cliché but getting out into nature really does alter your perspective about your life and the challenges that you face. There are a wealth of public parks and open spaces that you can access if you can’t get out into the great outdoors, so take advantage. Have a brisk walk or hike and get those feel-good endorphins going – it makes you feel alive.

4. Learn a new skill


You may feel that committing to lessons to learn a new skill is the last thing that will make you feel better, but it’s a great way of switching off from stress. When you learn new skills, the neurons in your brain are stimulated and more neural pathways are formed – which improves your cognitive function. Your brain acts like a muscle, and by exercising it, you are reenergizing it which is beneficial for overcoming burnout.

Burnout is a very real condition that is caused by chronic or prolonged stress. If you are experiencing symptoms, it is vital that you reflect on how you can change your current behaviors to give you time to recuperate and identify the steps you can take to prioritize your wellbeing.