Health & Wellness

The Importance of Clinical Trials for Mesothelioma Research

Clinical trials conducted in favor of mesothelioma research are important for advancing mesothelioma research in general. Currently, mesothelioma is not well understood and 40% of pleural mesothelioma cases end with the patient making it past the first year. That means 60% of patients die within a year. Those numbers are far too high. By conducting clinical

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Pregnancy After Getting Your Tubes Tied: is Tubal Reversal or IVF the Right Option?

In order to prevent a possible pregnancy — either for health reasons, lifestyle planning reasons, or often both factors enter into the equation — many women opt to have their “tubes tied”. This surgical procedure, which is called tubal ligation, involves blocking, tying or cutting a woman’s fallopian tubes, so that her partner’s sperm cannot

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The Benefits of Adding Bone Broth in Your Meal

Image source: Traditional foods are often held in high esteem for their clear health benefits. One of the more popular healing foods that is exploding in popularity is bone broth. The world is beginning to understand it’s incredible health benefits. Made by simmering the bones of any grass fed meat from your favourite organic butchers

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How to Tell If You Have an Addiction + 3 Best Practices for Breaking It

Do you ever wish you could break the compulsion to binge watch TV? Or how about an unhealthy reliance on chips and chocolate to get you through a bad day? And then there are the addictions that have a disastrous effect on our health, families, and mental stability. For example, drug abuse, alcohol use disorders,

How to Tell If You Have an Addiction + 3 Best Practices for Breaking It Read More »

How Meditation Can Benefit You

Scholars have been trying to define what meditation is for millennia. It is an ancient tradition and many different meditation methods, including 마음수련 방법, exist. The media, meanwhile, has made it look like something airy fairy that only hippies engage in. It is easier to define what meditation is not, than what it is, however. What

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