James P DeVellis Helps People Prepare for Orthopedic Surgery Recovery

If you will soon have orthopedic surgery, it is important that you are aware of what the recovery period will entail. You will have to voluntarily agree to the rehabilitation process and, if you engage in any kind of misconduct during that period, your surgery may end up not being successful. It is hugely important, therefore, that you take the time to properly understand what to expect after the surgery itself. James P DeVellis, a veteran old fox in the field of orthopedic surgery, has seen time and time again that people make allegations of their surgery not having been successful. They appear on local news, stating that it is all the health care provider’s choice. In reality, however, it is because they didn’t take the time to follow their doctor’s orders in terms of their recovery procedure.

James P DeVellis Discussed Proper Recovery

One of the things of importance as part of the recovery process is the food you eat. You must have the right fuels available to make sure your body is able to recover. Hence, your diet should be nutritious and balanced. This includes eating plenty of fiber and calcium, which will speed up the healing process. Make sure you consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are full of fibers, minerals, and vitamins, all of which are essential to the body. Do not consume too much salt, however, as this leads to water retention and edema, which can do a lot of damage to the recover process.

It is also likely that your surgeon will prescribe you with iron supplements after the surgery, possibly starting you before you have the procedure completed. This is because it can take several weeks for the iron to become effective. Some iron supplements are available over the counter, whereas stronger ones must be prescribed. Find out which ones are most suitable to you. Usually, over the counter supplements are more than sufficient, but you do have to make sure that you use good quality ones.

Dr. DeVellis recommends that people plan for their meals before they have the orthopedic surgery completed. This is particularly important if they live on their own. Depending on which part of the body was operated on, you may not be able to stand for long periods of time, which means that you will find it difficult to cook from scratch. Hence, preparing various meals and freezing smaller portions can make life a lot easier.

You also have to make sure that you eat regularly. Food is what will give you the ability to heal. If you not eat and drink at regular intervals, your body will become deficient in various nutrients and this will make it very difficult for you to recover. Hence, make sure you listen to your surgeon in terms of what you should eat, when, and in what quantities. You will, for instance, probably have to eat more protein than normal, but less fats.