New York Vape Laws

In an effort to curb unhealthy tobacco use, the state of New York has also cracked down on vaping products and e-cigarettes like Jupiter Vape Pens regardless of whether or not they contain nicotine or tobacco. Some cities in New York, especially New York City have even stricter laws that may make it difficult for you to find the products you like to use.

Legal Acts for Clean Air

The Clean Indoor Air Act was originally introduced in 2003 and prohibited smoking cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products inside any public area. Since then, it has been amended to include oil vapor products, so they are no longer permitted inside public places. Essentially, the law means that indoor vaping is not allowed.

Harder to Sell, Harder to Buy

Some areas of New York have also increased restrictions and requirements for retailers who sell oil vapor products. This includes a new permit requirement in New York City, which is limited in number, so the availability of retailers selling vaping products decreases. One of the biggest factors in deterring consumers from purchasing vape products is a 95% wholesale tax on the sales of e-cigarettes. Taxes like these always, directly and indirectly, impact the consumer, making it much harder and more expensive to find things like the best dry herb vape pen for casual use. Though it is not a statewide law, some areas in New York also restrict oil vapor products so they cannot be purchased by anyone under the age of 21, a significant difference from the standard minimum age of 18.

Online Retailers Save the Day

Purchasing your favorite vaping products doesn’t have to be a hassle like the recent law changes seem to create. Online retailers that are not based out of New York don’t face the same restrictions as brick and mortar shops in the state. Buying online may not change the locations where you can vape in New York, but it allows you to have your favorite oil vapor products with you at all times.