Why You Shouldn’t Settle for a Dangerous Work Environment

Getting a job is sometimes hard. There’s a lot of competition, a lot of red tape, and a lot of obstacles on the way to getting hired. When you are hired, you certainly don’t want to rock the boat. You’re new, after all, why would you risk it all simply because one quick look around you tells you that your work environment just is not safe?

You should never settle for a dangerous work environment. Your co-workers should never settle for an unsafe work environment. No one should ever have to settle for a dangerous work environment.

Not only do many countries consider it a right for their citizens to work in a safe environment, many require it. This goes beyond your employer placing safeguards that will protect the building (and their investments).  If your work itself is dangerous, the need for safety systems becomes even more apparent. Occupational deaths and injuries are common in developing nations where safety systems are not (or cannot) be implemented, due to cost, or due to a lack of care on the part of the employer.

For those in developed nations, particularly in the west, hazardous work is coupled with extreme safety measures. Your office space should be no different. Many employers are already looking to increase office safety and security however their reasons are mostly to protect themselves and their investments. Here are a few things your office should have, for your safety:

First Aid Kits

If your office doesn’t have a first aid bag somewhere that is accessible to all members of the company, then there’s a problem. Having first aid kits nearby is important, it is even more important when you work in an environment like a restaurant kitchen. If you work in a relatively safe cubicle, you might think that it isn’t a big deal if the nearest first aid kit is three floors down, but accidents always happen, and being nearer to first aid can mean all the difference in some situations. Ideally, your first aid kit will include an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) – the only way to restart a fluttering heart before it becomes a heart attack on site.

A Certified Emergency First Aid Responder

Having a first aid bag is good, but also having someone who has been trained to react and respond to emergencies is ideal. These are the people that will be resuscitating you when you have stopped breathing. These are the guys that will know what to do and how best to respond until emergency services arrive. No matter how safe the environment, you can’t protect yourself from heart attack, choking, or stroke.

Working Fire Safety Equipment

Working fire safety equipment can mean the difference between life and death. Being aware of a fire, and being able to combat it before it spreads to something serious, will save lives and property. 

A Well-Known Fire Escape Plan

This is especially important if you work in a large building. Don’t get caught up in the panic of the moment, you should be made aware of the strategic, pre-planned escape route, and a backup escape route.

These four tips are simple to implement into any work environment and they mean all the difference in emergency situations. If you don’t have them, you are not safe. Bring it up with your co-workers first if you are too nervous to mention it to your employer. No one should be able to disagree with these key but simple safety measures.