A guide to slots tournaments

Slots tournaments are becoming more and more popular, but before you enter one, for example on Paddy Power Vegas, it’s important you understand how they work. While there are a number of variations, the main principle is still the same and once you’ve bought in, you’ll have a certain amount of time to play and accumulate as many credits as you can in that time frame. If you’re new to slots tournaments, let’s explain the different types of tournament there are.


As the name suggests, freeroll tournaments are ones that cost nothing to play. Players enter the competition and play for the allotted time – usually the tournaments last for an hour, but game time is only about five minutes. During that time, players need to accumulate as many credits as possible, and the more you win, the higher up the table you’ll finish. At the end, the players at the top will win prizes.


A survivor tournament is a knock-out contest and will consist of numerous rounds of games. Generally speaking, there will be three rounds of five minutes game time and at the end of each round, players will be eliminated. At the end of the game, the top 10 players, known as the survivors, will win prizes. There is only a 10-second interval between rounds, making survivor tournaments perfect for those that like the fast-paced nature of slots.


Scheduled tournaments will be advertised in advance and have a specific start and end time, which all players will know beforehand. There are two kinds of scheduled tournaments and both require players to pay a buy-in fee. The first kind of scheduled tournament has fixed prize money, so no matter how many players participate, the prize money remains the same. However, the second isn’t fixed and the buy-in fees are redistributed among players, so that there is more prize money available if there are a larger number of participants.

Sit and Go

A sit and go tournament has a number of pre-determined factors; for example, the length of the tournament and the maximum number of players. Once the maximum number of players is reached, the tournament can begin. The tournament is likely to last for an hour, hence the name ‘sit and go’ and the prize pot is also made up of the redistributed buy-in fees.


In reloader tournaments, players are able to continue playing by purchasing a rebuy. Like most tournaments, players will participate in the tournament for five minutes, but when their time is up, they are able to rebuy into the competition – at an additional cost to the original buy-in. Sometimes the rebuys are sold in bulk, say a group of 10, giving players an additional 50 minutes of game time. Players don’t have to rebuy; however, they are a great way of increasing your chances of winning come the end of the tournament.


Like reloader tournaments, extender tournaments work in a similar way, allowing players to boost their score with an optional add-on. Buying an add-on not only gives a player a longer duration of game time, but also allows them to extend their score. Again, like reloader tournaments, these add-ons are often sold in groups, so you’re having to invest more.