How to Compose an Excellent Essay?

Academic writing comprises a great variety of different assignments, and all of them have their own purposes and peculiarities. For example, let’s take an essay – the most popular task. Definition essays give new information about the meaning or the origin of particular words. Argumentative ones contain excellent thesis statement examples and perfect evidence in their support, but notwithstanding the type of the task, each student wants to find the secret of successful writing that brings her/him the highest grades.

Tips to Make the Perfect Text

“In the beginning was the Word,” as the Bible says. Maybe it is the reason why good writing skills are so valuable. The majority of students have different troubles with text creation and want to learn how to upgrade this skill. To help you in this uneasy task, the following recommendations will be very helpful:

  1. Read more. Statistical investigations show that the most talented authors like reading. Psychologists and linguists proved that people who read more compose better texts than those who don’t like reading at all. This fact can be explained by the ability of human brain to memorize different information given in a written form unconsciously. So, the more you read, the better you write. Try to organize your working schedule so that to have at least half an hour for close reading of fiction you like the most.
  2. Avoid misunderstanding. You should understand the sense of the assignment you are now completing. In case of any trouble, discuss all questions with your professor because it may cause improper fulfillment of the job.
  3. Make an outline. Academic assignments should have a strict structure. Of course, you know about the classical five-paragraph scheme of most compositions: the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion, but sometimes it is necessary to put the scheme down once again. It helps you to define what information you will write first, second, and further on.
  4. Use drafts. “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words,” as Mark Twain said. Remember this quote while making an assignment and re-write a composition as many times as necessary. Drafts will help you to bring your language to perfection.
  5. Revise your paper. Many students neglect revision as a process. Consequently, the absence of proofreading influences the quality of works badly. Certainly, grammar mistakes in academic work are absolutely prohibited; typos are considered the grammar mistakes as well. Unfortunately, automatic spell checkers may omit the typo if spelling coincides with another word, for instance, “resources – recourses.” Therefore, it is extremely important to re-read the paper by yourself and correct everything by hand. Moreover, you should pay your attention to formatting of the document because different universities have different requirements for papers’ execution. Non-conformity with the standards of formatting can be the reason why you will have to change the text.

Thus, if you want to make your written works perfect, you should put these simple recommendations into your everyday practice of text creation. As a result, you will not have difficulties with your written tasks anymore.