
Planning a Sustainable Community Properly

There are two main categories of planning for sustainable communities, something that the Terra Group, under the guidance of Pedro Martin, their CEO, knows everything about. Those forms are physical and social sustainability. The physical sustainability is all about using the right building materials, making renewable technology available, recycling, and more. Social sustainability, however, requires

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How One University in Alabama Implemented the Morrill Act of 1890

Source Alabama A&M University is very proud to exist as a direct result of the Alabama State legislature’s 1873 bill. This established the State Normal School and University of the Education of Colored Teachers and Students. So long as school trustees and the president ensured that the school was at the disposal of the state, it

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How Meditation Can Benefit You

Scholars have been trying to define what meditation is for millennia. It is an ancient tradition and many different meditation methods, including 마음수련 방법, exist. The media, meanwhile, has made it look like something airy fairy that only hippies engage in. It is easier to define what meditation is not, than what it is, however. What

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Five Easy Ways to Beat Brain Fog at the Office

Feeling lethargic? Constantly forgetting things? Having difficulty focusing at work? Don’t be too alarmed—these symptoms are a likely sign that you’re suffering from brain fog, a very common occurrence for many people. You’re not alone in your clouded mind, and some of the sharpest minds in Silicon Valley have been shrouded in a mist of

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3 Tips to Make Your Small Home-Based Business Look Like a Big Enterprise

Who says you need to rent the top 10 floors of a skyscraper, or build your own Google-like campus (complete with gym, restaurant and day care) in order to compete with the large organizations in your marketplace? Thanks to the web, you can make your small home-based business look like a big enterprise. Here are 3

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