How to Make Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom


Just because your day is full taking care of the kids, doing chores, and keeping your house in tip-top shape, that doesn’t mean doing so pays the bills. Being a stay at home mom (or dad) usually means that the onus is on your partner to pay the bills. For some couples, this might be sufficient to meet your needs. But for couples with children, making a little on the side can help to cover those unexpected expenses that seem to crop up out of nowhere.

Here are some easy-to-start, simple ways to bring in some extra cash.

  1. Sell your stuff or others’ stuff.

Do you have a knack for hosting the killer garage sale? Take that up a notch by selling your unwanted goods on eBay, Craigslist, or some other swapping site. And for those who are ready to capitalize on their selling and salesmanship skills, why not try it out part-time as a salesperson for a company? Vector Marketing career opportunities provide flexible hours to parents. Which means you could sign up for the duration your kids are at school and be back home in time to serve their after-school snack.

  1. Sell your crafts.

Are you handy with a sewing machine? Do you create most of your own home decorations? Are your DIY gifts indistinguishable from store-bought items, except by their uniqueness? You are a prime candidate for opening a storefront on Etsy or some other craft shop site, such as ArtFire. Or you could open your own online shop using Shopify, a business solution that can transform your website into a total eCommerce shop.

  1. Take care of someone else’s child–not your own.

As a mother, you’re a hands-down expert at babysitting. So why not make it into a side career? Dropping off little Junior at daycare is not for everyone. Conscientious mothers often prefer to find a nanny or permanent babysitter who can become part of their child’s routine. Other times, mothers may simply be looking for someone to fill in while they do grocery runs, etc. The best care is mommy care, after all. You provide peace of mind to concerned mothers while getting a little cash on the side. Everyone wins! Print out flyers and post them in places where you know mothers like to assemble. Ask friends or satisfied clients to help spread the word.

  1. Tutoring or skill sharing.

Do you have a niche skill that is in high demand? Do you have your own website up and you know how to manage it? Perhaps you are social media savvy? Maybe you know a little code? Or you have a degree in English lit? Did you go to business school to learn how to market? Why not share your expertise?

Help the elderly couple next door put up a website. Tutor your neighbor’s kid in the classics. If you cannot find anyone near you in need of your skills, go online to broaden your search. Sites like Fiverr allow you to connect with people who are looking for your exact skill set and will pay you for your time and expertise.

  1. Cook for more.

Proud of your cooking skills? Want to take it up a notch? Personal chefs are becoming popular as families with two working parents look for ways to keep their meals nutritious. Chef fees range depending on experience, but typical rates average out at $20 an hour, according to Payscale. If cooking is something you love, and your family swears by your Indian Butter Chicken, spread that love around. Begin advertising your services to friends. You may be surprised at how many of them sign up on the spot. Mothers who want a once-a-week break from cooking, or those who aren’t home in time to cook up a heart-healthy meal. Don’t be surprised if your little part-time job blossoms into more.