What to Do if You Struggle with an Article

Writer’s block has existed since the dawn of writing. Even professional authors will cop to experiencing bouts of writer’s block, a phenomenon when it seems impossible to come up with ideas for your writing. Sometimes this is a minor inconvenience. Other times, writer’s block can make it impossible for you to meet deadlines. Before you decide to hire a thesis editor to do the work for you, check out these ideas.

Jot Down Everything You Know

Brainstorming is a great way to start when you are writing an article. With brainstorming, you do not have to worry about anyone seeing the work and criticizing your ideas. This means that anything you write down can be polished or changed later. If you do not know a lot about your topic, start by writing down questions that you have. These will give you ideas for headings and subheadings you might want to include in the article and can be a useful tool as you research.

Free-Write in a Journal

Even though free-writing is not going to make you finish your article, journaling without restrictions helps you see that you can write. This can also be helpful in working through mental or emotional problems. Sometimes, an inability to write is caused by a mental block from stress. If this is the case, journaling can provide some much-needed relief.

Write However it Flows

When you try to adhere to rules and regulations, it can be incredibly detrimental to the creative process. Remember that while writing is a process, there is no specific technique that you have to use as long as you produce a well-written, quality article. If it feels natural to create the body paragraphs before the introduction and conclusion, do it. You can also jot down headings as you have ideas and fill in the actual paragraphs later. By refusing to adhere to a process, you are encouraging your creative processes to continue flowing.

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Do Not Edit as You Go

Another hindrance to the creative process is editing as you go. It can be tempting to make changes when you see a glaring typo or missed punctuation on the screen. However, each time that you go back to change the way a word is spelled or add something you have missed, it halts your creative processes and forces you to switch to the left-side of the brain. Even if you had a good flow before, stopping the creative process can prevent you from writing your article.

Remember that Your First Draft Doesn’t Have to Be Your Best

The first draft is called the ‘first’ for a reason—it is just one of many steps in the writing process. You should let your words flow freely as you craft the first draft. While you should aim to stay on topic, keep in mind that you are drafting—not getting ready to hand over what you have written to your editor. Instead of being overly critical, just let whatever flows from your mind flow. You’ll have more to work with later when it is time to revise the article.

Don’t Write

Sometimes, the best thing that you can do to write your article when you have a mental block is not to write it. Do something that to distract yourself from the writing process completely. You could have lunch with a friend, take a long shower, or go for a run. Do something that you enjoy to boost your serotonin levels and focus your mind. While you are doing this activity, do not focus on your article. Sometimes, you’ll find that your best ideas come when you aren’t trying to think of them.

Whether you rely on a service like Paper Writing Pros to help you get ideas for your next article or do some research and hope a good idea comes up, these tips should help you get started on your article. Not every strategy will work for everyone’s writing process, so try out a few until you find the one that brings inspiration to your writing.